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An exerpt from an older article as we remember the events and our lives after the attack on 9-11.
Here in America, Life is Good
Let’s face it, 2001 was tough on all of us. We’ve been downsized, terrorized, scattered, smothered and covered. But the drum beat that pounds in our hearts, prod us to climb out of the rubble of layoffs, pay cuts and general consumer chaos as we scope the horizon for the dawning of a new day.
I’m not talking about adapting a positive attitude here. I’m talking about survival techniques that are not for the faint of heart. It’s about taking a cold hard look at your circumstances, where you are, who you are, and what you want out of t the amount of time you have left on the planet. And the clock is ticking.
So while we must continue to pump gas, cook meals, and do our laundry, we should also make time to carefully examine our options. Who we are, what we want, and how we are going to get there.
We might as well live life with style. Your own signature style that makes you, you. If you’re not sure who you are, this is a great time to as a few close friends who you are to them. Just the sincere ones, flatterers need not apply.
So while the Scarlett’s of the world keep their heads in the clouds with their “after all, tomorrow is another day” philosophy, the true warriors of personal style are chanting a new mantra: “hold everything, today is all we have”. Now what is truly good about today?
Your list may start with “number one: I’m alive”. And end with “…and that’s what I plan to make everyday a good day for myself and those around me.
Meanwhile, life continues! The heights of happiness, the depths of despair add geography to an otherwise flat existence. Living with style is consuming it on all cylinders. Tasting life and feeling color, thundering down slopes of sadness and barnstorming through meadows of melancholy. Soaring to mountaintop experiences, even if your mountaintop today is potty training a toddler. Celebrate the moment!
Here in America life is good and too much of a good thing is Wonderful.

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