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Pat Stansbury
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Tuesday, January 04 2011
Welcome to my new blog! I am so glad you decided to check it out.
It’s January, the month that inspires me to clear the clutter! I like to start with my home, (then office, car, etc..) and for the benefit of my readers I have incorporated a weekly organization plan that I have developed over the past 30 years. There are many books about organizing on the market, but if you’re like me, you can’t find the book, once you bought it, because it got lost under some pile of clutter.
I eventually found and read over 40 books on home and business management as well as organization. To put that knowledge to the highest and best use, I not only got my life and possessions under control,   founded and ran a few small businesses, but I now want to share that knowledge with others. I have incorporated a weekly organization guide on my website for you, I hope you find it helpful.
I remember when I needed this knowledge the most, I was too busy to learn about it. How could I take the time to read and absorb information about how to manage a home, while I was being swallowed up by mine? To add insult to injury, I was raised on Gloria Steinem’s mantra that housework was to be considered “demeaning” and so in order to be hip, I was supposed to get a degree, get a job and sing “I am woman, hear me roar…” Well, call me un-hip, but I liked being a mommy and I wanted to learn how to manage our home. And because my choices seemed so socially unacceptable at the time, I spent more time sobbing than roaring. So you can imagine my joy when I came across an author who seemed to be just like me, only this chick already had it all together. And reading her first book, simply titled “Entertaining” Martha Stewert made it hip to be square in the kitchen! That was the first book I read on the subject, and I tell you, I read every page and I read every chance I got! I washed dishes, while reading the first few pages under a piece of plastic wrap to keep the pages dry. I read a few chapters while nursing a baby, I read while vacuuming, folding clothes and almost had to be careful not to bring it into the bedroom, if you know what I mean! I’m just saying, I was hooked.
The more I read, the hungrier I got to read more, thus over 40 books on the subject consumed over about 25 years. So, if you are ready, I’d like to begin by encouraging you to start organizing the clutter in your mind before we tackle your closets. I’ll ask a few questions and maybe you will find your way to what most of us really want, which is peace, balance and a sense of well-being.
1.       Are you happy? If so, congratulations 63% of Americans polled by Gallop say they are not happy. If not, take some time to get alone and carefully consider all aspects of your life and start making the necessary changes. For inspiration, please read my article entitled The Garden, the Paintbrush and the Pen, and I’ll share how I made the necessary changes in my life, and lived to tell about it.
2.       Have you found your reason to exist on the planet? Have you found what makes you passionate? Dianna Ross sang a wonderful song many years ago called “Do You Know Where Your Going To?” the lyrics included these words, “…do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?...” (click here to hear Dianna Ross sing to you! )
3.       Have you documented your life goals? Do you have goals for your life? In many ways, I feel I’ve written my current life into existence. I gleaned a few ideas from several different schools of thought on the subject of creating a successful life, and came up with a combination of ideas that worked for me. I call it my Success Journal. For inspiration, find the template for it on my website and feel free to download it, use it as often as you like. This practice changed my life from the inside out. I hope you find it helpful too!
 Thinking back on when I was a young wife and mother, I had a great friend who was older than me and she always encouraged me to be kind to myself, and so I pass it on to you; be kind to yourself! Tag, your it!
Next month’s blog subject: organizing our schedule
Posted by: Pat Stansbury AT 09:40 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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